pyoculus 0.1.1
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pyoculus.problems.simsgeo_biot_savart.SimsgeoBiotSavart Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for pyoculus.problems.simsgeo_biot_savart.SimsgeoBiotSavart:
pyoculus.problems.cartesian_bfield.CartesianBfield pyoculus.problems.cylindrical_problem.CylindricalProblem pyoculus.problems.bfield_problem.BfieldProblem pyoculus.problems.base_problem.BaseProblem

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self, bs, R0, Z0, Nfp=1)
 Set up the problem to compute the magnetic field for simsopt.geo.BiotSavart.
 B (self, coords, *args)
 The magnetic field, being used by parent class CartesianBfield.
 dBdX (self, coords, *args)
 The derivative of the magnetic field, being used by parent class CartesianBfield.
- Public Member Functions inherited from pyoculus.problems.cartesian_bfield.CartesianBfield
 __init__ (self, R0, Z0, Nfp=1)
 Set up the problem.
 f_RZ (self, phi, RZ, *args)
 Returns ODE RHS.
 f_RZ_tangent (self, phi, RZ, *args)
 Returns ODE RHS, with tangent.
- Public Member Functions inherited from pyoculus.problems.cylindrical_problem.CylindricalProblem
 __init__ (self, R0, Z0, Nfp=1)
 Set up cylindrical system.
 f (self, zeta, y, *args)
 Returns ODE RHS.
 f_tangent (self, zeta, y, *args)
 Returns ODE RHS.
 set_axis (self, R0, Z0)
 Set the axis.
- Public Member Functions inherited from pyoculus.problems.base_problem.BaseProblem
 __init__ (self)
 convert_coords (self, coord1)
 Converts coordinates (for example \(s,\theta,\zeta\) to \(R,Z,\varphi\))
- Public Member Functions inherited from pyoculus.problems.bfield_problem.BfieldProblem
 __init__ (self)
 Set up the problem.
 B_many (self, x1arr, x2arr, x3arr, input1D=True, *args)
 Returns magnetic fields, with multipy coordinate inputs.
 dBdX_many (self, x1arr, x2arr, x3arr, input1D=True, *args)
 Returns magnetic fields.

Protected Attributes

 _bs = bs
- Protected Attributes inherited from pyoculus.problems.cylindrical_problem.CylindricalProblem
 _R0 = R0
 _Z0 = Z0

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from pyoculus.problems.cylindrical_problem.CylindricalProblem
 Nfp = Nfp
- Public Attributes inherited from pyoculus.problems.base_problem.BaseProblem
int problem_size = 2
str poincare_plot_type = "yx"
str poincare_plot_xlabel = "y"
str poincare_plot_ylabel = "x"
- Public Attributes inherited from pyoculus.problems.bfield_problem.BfieldProblem
bool has_jacobian = False
 if the output magnetic field contains the jacobian factor or not
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from pyoculus.problems.cartesian_bfield.CartesianBfield
 _inv_Jacobian (R, phi, Z)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

pyoculus.problems.simsgeo_biot_savart.SimsgeoBiotSavart.__init__ ( self,
Nfp = 1 )

Set up the problem to compute the magnetic field for simsopt.geo.BiotSavart.

bsan instance of simsopt.geo.BiotSavart, use to compute the magnetic field
R0the magnetic axis R coordinate at phi=0 plane
Z0the magnetic axis Z coordinate at phi=0 plane

Member Function Documentation

◆ B()

pyoculus.problems.simsgeo_biot_savart.SimsgeoBiotSavart.B ( self,
* args )

The magnetic field, being used by parent class CartesianBfield.

coordsarray with coordinates \((x, y z)\)
\((B_x, B_y, B_z)\)

Reimplemented from pyoculus.problems.bfield_problem.BfieldProblem.

◆ dBdX()

pyoculus.problems.simsgeo_biot_savart.SimsgeoBiotSavart.dBdX ( self,
* args )

The derivative of the magnetic field, being used by parent class CartesianBfield.

coordsarray with coordinates \((x, y z)\)
B, dBdX, B and \(\partial (B_x, B_y, B_z)/\partial (x,y,z)\)

Reimplemented from pyoculus.problems.bfield_problem.BfieldProblem.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _bs

pyoculus.problems.simsgeo_biot_savart.SimsgeoBiotSavart._bs = bs

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