Class that used to setup the fixed point finder.
| __init__ (self, problem, params=dict(), integrator=None, integrator_params=dict()) |
| Set up the class of the fixed point finder.
| compute (self, guess, pp, qq, sbegin=-1.0, send=1.0, tol=None) |
| Looks for the fixed point with rotation number pp/qq.
| plot (self, plottype=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, **kwargs) |
| Generates the plot for fixed points.
| __init__ (self, problem, params=dict(), integrator=None, integrator_params=dict()) |
| Sets up the solver.
| is_successful (self) |
| Returns True if the computation is successfully completed.
bool | is_theta_fixed = False |
bool | is_Z_fixed = False |
| Nfp = problem.Nfp |
| niter = params["niter"] |
| nrestart = params["nrestart"] |
| pp = pp |
| qq = qq |
int | dzeta = 2 * np.pi / self.Nfp |
| s = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
| theta = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
| zeta = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
| x = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
| y = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
| z = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
list | history = [] |
| GreenesResidue = rdata.GreenesResidue |
| MeanResidue = rdata.MeanResidue |
bool | successful = False |
| flagging if the computation is done and successful
| _newton_method_1 (self, pp, qq, s_guess, sbegin, send, theta, zeta, dzeta, niter, tol) |
| _newton_method_2 (self, pp, qq, s_guess, sbegin, send, theta_guess, zeta, dzeta, niter, tol) |
| _newton_method_3 (self, pp, qq, R_guess, Rbegin, Rend, Z, zeta, dzeta, niter, tol) |
Class that used to setup the fixed point finder.
◆ __init__()
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.__init__ |
( |
| self, |
| problem, |
| params = dict(), |
| integrator = None, |
| integrator_params = dict() ) |
Set up the class of the fixed point finder.
- Parameters
problem | must inherit pyoculus.problems.BaseProblem, the problem to solve |
params | dict, the parameters for the solver |
integrator | the integrator to use, must inherit \pyoculus.integrators.BaseIntegrator, if set to None by default using RKIntegrator |
integrator_params | dict, the parmaters passed to the integrator |
– the maximum number of Newton iterations
– if we look for fixed point on some symmetry line =None : theta is also a free variable to look for =somenumber : only look for theta with this number
– the toroidal plane we are after
– if search failed, the number of time to restart (randomly within the domain)
◆ _newton_method_1()
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint._newton_method_1 |
( |
| self, |
| pp, |
| qq, |
| s_guess, |
| sbegin, |
| send, |
| theta, |
| zeta, |
| dzeta, |
| niter, |
| tol ) |
protected |
driver to run Newton's method for one variable s
pp,qq -- integers, the numerator and denominator of the rotation number
s_guess -- the guess of s
sbegin -- the allowed minimum s
send -- the allowed maximum s
theta -- the theta value (fixed)
zeta -- the toroidal plain to investigate
dzeta -- period in zeta
niter -- the maximum number of iterations
tol -- the tolerance of finding a fixed point
◆ _newton_method_2()
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint._newton_method_2 |
( |
| self, |
| pp, |
| qq, |
| s_guess, |
| sbegin, |
| send, |
| theta_guess, |
| zeta, |
| dzeta, |
| niter, |
| tol ) |
protected |
driver to run Newton's method for two variable (s,theta)
pp,qq -- integers, the numerator and denominator of the rotation number
s_guess -- the guess of s
sbegin -- the allowed minimum s
send -- the allowed maximum s
theta_guess -- the guess of theta
zeta -- the toroidal plain to investigate
dzeta -- period in zeta
niter -- the maximum number of iterations
tol -- the tolerance of finding a fixed point
◆ _newton_method_3()
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint._newton_method_3 |
( |
| self, |
| pp, |
| qq, |
| R_guess, |
| Rbegin, |
| Rend, |
| Z, |
| zeta, |
| dzeta, |
| niter, |
| tol ) |
protected |
driver to run Newton's method for one variable R, for cylindrical problem
pp,qq -- integers, the numerator and denominator of the rotation number
R_guess -- the guess of R
Rbegin -- the allowed minimum R
Rend -- the allowed maximum R
Z -- the Z value (fixed)
zeta -- the toroidal plain to investigate
dzeta -- period in zeta
niter -- the maximum number of iterations
tol -- the tolerance of finding a fixed point
◆ compute()
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.compute |
( |
| self, |
| guess, |
| pp, |
| qq, |
| sbegin = -1.0, |
| send = 1.0, |
| tol = None ) |
Looks for the fixed point with rotation number pp/qq.
- Parameters
guess | the initial guess, [s, theta] , if ‘params['theta’] == None, [s], if params['theta'] ==‘ somevalue |
pp | integer, the numerator of the rotation number |
qq | integer, the denominator of the rotation number |
sbegin=-1.0 | the allowed minimum s or R |
send=1.0 | the allowed maximum s or R |
tol=self._integrator_params['rtol’]*qq | – the tolerance of the fixed point |
- Returns
- rdata a class that contains the results that contains
– the fixed points in xyz coordinates
– the fixed points in s,theta,zeta coordinates
– the Jacobian of the fixed point constructed by following the tangent map
– the Greene's Residue of the fixed point
– the 'Average Residue' f as defined by Greene
◆ plot()
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.plot |
( |
| self, |
| plottype = None, |
| xlabel = None, |
| ylabel = None, |
| xlim = None, |
| ylim = None, |
** | kwargs ) |
Generates the plot for fixed points.
- Parameters
plottype | which variables to plot: 'RZ' or 'yx', by default using "poincare_plot_type" in problem |
xlabel,ylabel | what to put for the xlabel and ylabel, by default using "poincare_plot_xlabel" in problem |
xlim,ylim | the range of plotting, by default plotting the range of all data |
**kwargs | passed to the plotting routine "plot" |
◆ _is_cylindrical_problem
bool pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint._is_cylindrical_problem = False |
protected |
◆ dzeta
int pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.dzeta = 2 * np.pi / self.Nfp |
◆ GreenesResidue
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.GreenesResidue = rdata.GreenesResidue |
◆ history
list pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.history = [] |
◆ is_theta_fixed
bool pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.is_theta_fixed = False |
◆ is_Z_fixed
bool pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.is_Z_fixed = False |
◆ MeanResidue
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.MeanResidue = rdata.MeanResidue |
◆ Nfp
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.Nfp = problem.Nfp |
◆ niter
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.niter = params["niter"] |
◆ nrestart
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.nrestart = params["nrestart"] |
◆ pp
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.pp = pp |
◆ qq
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.qq = qq |
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.s = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
◆ theta
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.theta = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.x = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.y = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.z = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
◆ zeta
pyoculus.solvers.fixed_point.FixedPoint.zeta = np.zeros([qq + 1], dtype=np.float64) |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: